Saturday, October 22, 2005


Hokey Smokes!

I just spent 6+ hours updating and formatting my Film Flunky Productions blog!

This on top of reading Karl Iglesias's book and watching the first 3 episodes of DARK ANGLE last night (very cool show; and no, I hadn't seen it before) and then yesterday at work was a bear and the day before that I was reading anf formulating, and I've been reading Bradbury's FROM THE DUST RETURNED and reading Whedon's script for SERENITY and also stying current with SMALLVILLE, MEDIUM, SUPERNATURAL, MY NAME IS EARL and THE OFFICE (American version), and I'm still at least 2 epsodes behind on GILMORE GIRLS and I've been really seriously rethinking Ezekiel Hollow (with Mr. Iglesias's asistance -- not the actual man, but his writing principals) and I also discovered Tazo's Tazo Chai tea which is really good, and then there's the Traci conversations, both in person and on the phone...

Feels like I've been busy. I feel like every moment of every day of the last couple of weeks has been jam-packed with excitement and fun and some frustration and learning.

Ooh! AND I've had friends surprise me by joining my Friends List on!

I think maybe the Creative Screenwriting Expo 4 next month may feel like a vacation. (We'll be in LA with KELLY so it'll DEFINITELY feel like a PARTY!!!)

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