Monday, September 12, 2005

Transporter 2!

Brian and I just got back from THE TRANSPORTER 2 at the Alamo Drafthouse! It was fun! (Got the jalapeno poppers and mozarrella sticks for munchies.)

I just watched the first THE TRANSPORTER this morning. I really liked that one!


I got to work and there was one more person than there should have been, so I checked the schedule AND I CAME HOME!!!

It was cool!

Spent most of the day watching the behind-the-scenes stuff for COMIC BOOK: THE MOVIE -- which Brian and I watched Friday night, and which I recommend to anyone who loves comedy!!! -- and then when Brian got home we watched some of the making-of-stuff that he hadn't seen before popping in PAULY SHORE IS DEAD.

We started watching THE TRANSPORTER last night, but I couldn't finish it. And then when I got up, he was watching it again, so I figured it was good. AND IT IS!

With the sequel, it seems in a couple of parts that they were trying a little too hard to top the first one. But it's still a lot of fun, and the character is in tact. So like the SCREAM and INDIANNA JONES movies, maybe the third one will be really great! (Assuming there is a third one. But I bet there is.)

Last night, while Brian and I were watching PAULY SHORE IS DEAD, I got a phone call -- at 12:37 am. I pause the movie, answer the phone, and a female voice says "I'm mad at you!"

It's Tisha.

And I laugh.

She's been starting off conversations with me like this a lot recently. One such conversation revealed that Tisha hates her too-thick eyelashes. When she wears mascara her lashes look like fake ones. I explained that many women pay to have lashes like heres, AND the cool thing is that she doesn't NEED mascara because of her naturally enhanced lashes!

Didn't get me off the hook though.

Anyway, so I ask her why she's mad at me and she informs me that it's offically Sunday...

And she DOES NOT have to tell me the significance of it being Sunday. she turned 15 today!!!

And apparently she was expecting me to call her THE MOMENT she turned 15. Which is not an unreasonable expectation in the slightest. She knows I'm up at this hour, and it's a Saturday night so I know she's up. Plus, I may have threatened to do so in a conversation we had a few days ago.

In actuallity, though, I was just pestering her. I intended to call her during the day today.

But Tisha took it to heart. "I waited 30 minutes," she informs me in mock exasperation.

She was out catting around with some members of her church Youth Group, and they were just returning to her house to watch a movie. They watched CRASH. (She liked it! I haven't seen it yet, but I LOVE Sandra Bullock, and I love Don Chedle (sp?) and Brendon Fraser.)

I talked to her again tonight, and she said she had a good birthday, so cool!

Meantime, I'm outty. Got an early dentist appointment, so I don't want to stay up TOO late.

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