Thursday, September 22, 2005


SERENITY's coming!!!

I so far have only re-watched Disc One of FIREFLY, but I've also read the 3-issue comic miniseries. It's a prequel to the movie and it rules!

Then, turns out that Alamo Drafthouse is doing a Rolling Roadshow 2 days before the movie opens! Summer Glau and Jewel Staite will be there!!! I hope to get tickets tomorrow, when they go on sale.


OH! Brian and I watched HICTH this weekend! It was REALLY funny! And I was shocked that Brian was down for checking it out, as he usually avoids Romantic Comedies. (Though he's totally down with some shows with strong romantic themes like SMALLVILLE and ROSWELL.) But then, how can ANY not dig Will Smith comedy?!!


I'm sure there's something else worth blogging about.


Oh, and, keeping in the spirit of Firefly/Serenity, I've listened to 4 episodes of The Signal, a podcast designed to keep us Firefly fans fanatical and hopefully helping makes some converts before SERENITY's opening weekend. 3 of the 4 episodes I listened to had interviews with Rong Glass, Jewel Staite and Adam Baldwin. VERY COOL!

Please check it out here:

The Signal


It was...

Have you seen the KISS video "I Love It Loud"? It was made in 1982, and it's cool because it's KISS and it's a classic KISS song... But the cinamatographer over-uses the blue lights, and everything looks all fake... fake in that EARLY-80s WAY...

Cinematically speaking, it's not great.

Well, THE TOMMYKNOCKERS is like that video.

But instead of over-using blue lights, this cinematographer over-uses green lights... And it's 177 minutes longer than the KISS video... And KISS isn't in it.

And I'd bet plenty of money that you'll never hear "Theme From The Tommyknockers" on one of those Halloween compilation cds. Not gonna happen.

But I've seen it now. I've been meaning to since it first aired as a TV miniseries, and now I have seen it.

And never have to watch it again.

Okay... so... I guess that's it. That's all I got for now.


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