Thursday, December 23, 2010


December 24, 2010
01:06 am

I'm working through the holidays, but to get a bit of the spirit, I'm tracking Santa's progress via NORAD's official Santa Tracker site again this year.

It appears that about 6 minutes ago, Santa began preparations for his annual gift-delivering voyage.


In year's past, I always started tracking Santa on what was, for me (in the Southern United States), Christmas Eve. And I never understood why I had missed the journey. But tonight, when I came into work, just out of curiosity I logged onto to see what was going on, and I saw that the countdown had already begun!

Then I figured it out: Christmas Eve for me is Christmas Day for someone else, lol. I mean, I kind of knew this to some degree because my Gnomey-Goddess is 6 hours ahead of me. But I guess I just didn't realize that the other side of the planet might have a full 24-hour time difference.

Still, it looks like he hasn't left just yet, so maybe it's not a full 24 hours.

Anyway, I hope to continue to track Santa's progress in real-time as my job allows. I'm hoping that by the time Santa hit's Austin I will be feeling all Christmas-y and jolly.

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