The last few hours of my shift were crazy, and I had to stop at the store to pick up a few items before everything closes down for Christmas, but I'm finally home!
Papau New Guinea!
And you can see me on the map there! I'm off to the right, kind of two o'clock.
Oh, wait. I can see me in the picture (or, you know...Texas, anyway) but the way this blog crops pics, you might not be able to see it.
Never mind.
But when I look at the pic, I almost want to say, "Yo, Saint Nick! Over here! It'll just take a sec and I won't tell anyone!" But the dude's been doin' this a while, and I certainly understand how annoying it can be when you've got a groove going and someone messes with it.
I'm content to wait.
You know what? Since I've become an adult (at least technically) and I've moved in with my little brother, Santa doesn't bring me nearly as many clothes as he used to. Is that weird? I mean, when I was a kid, clothes were, like, the most disappointing presents you could get at Christmas (or on your birthday, or any other occasion on which you might receive presents). But as an adult, I clothes wouldn't bug me anymore. And yet all I get nowadays are cool things that I actually want. (I mean, after I received the clothes, I wore heck out of them and enjoyed was just that moment when you tear off the wrapping paper and open the box that clothes were a disappointment. Nowadays, though, I might actually be excited to open a box and get a shirt or pants, lol.)
Also, I've got more questions about Santa now that I've been investigating the paranormal for a couple of years. I mean, clearly he exhibits abilities that are non-human. And some of the literature refers to him as "a quite jolly old
elf". So does that put him in the realm of fairy? (What we would categorize as "an elemental"?) I mean, he appears humanoid, so I'm not leaning toward "cryptid", and we can't rule out "extraterrestrial" or "extra-dimensional" being. (Particularly with his seemingly curious ability to manipulate Space/Time.)
Still, my gut suggests "elemental".
I'm not swayed toward "psychic" because although physical teleportation falls within the realm of "psy" or "psychism", popular reports claim to have witnessed him "rise" up the chimney, not simply vanish. (It seems that if he simply disappeared, the poem would have said something like "and laying his finger aside of his nose, and giving a nod, he frickin'
disappeared, dude!")
An argument against Santa being extraterrestrial is the classic old documentary
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. The EBEs from Mars seemed to assume that Santa was an Earth native. Which, again, give credence to the "elemental" (or "fairy") categorization.
Still -- like most things having to do with elementals -- the majority of the literature we have to study on the subject is mythology and folklore. (Literally, "fairy tales".) So I don't know how far I could possibly get doing such research.
See, that's one of the main reasons I'm not a ufologist: Ufologists, by necessity, are forced to study their subject second-hand, from the reports of eye witnesses. They always arrive on the scene
after the fact. At least cryptozoologists can attempt to track their prey once they discover a likely stomping ground; but ufologists have to depend largely the stories they are told, and dig the truth out from that starting point.
(One of the other main reasons I'm not a ufologist is that they tend to have degrees, and a keen knowledge of subjects like Chemistry and Geology and Astronomy, and other subjects that make my head hurt.)
OOH, CHECK IT OUT!!! Santa's in Australia!!!
8:03 amI wanna go to Australia.
First, though, there's a certain goddess in England I would rather visit! ;) Then, it would be awesome to visit Australia
with her!!!
If you are deriving any amusement from this blog, you should totally
go follow Santa's progress yourself!
Unless, of course, you're reading this after the fact. Then the link would be kind of pointless.
Anyway, I need to get some sleep. My shift tonight should be fairly easy, since it's Christmas Eve and everyone except for Production and the News department has the day off. Still, I need to be alert for those unexpected occasions. (That's probably the only reason my department hasn't been automated yet: Human's deal with the unexpected and the unexplainable a bit better than computer programs...for now.)
Besides, empty TV station or not, Management still frowns on tardiness. ;)
I hope you're having a LOVELY Christmas Eve!!!
And LOVE TO MY GNOMEY if you should happen to read this before we talk!!!