Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Been A While...

Just checking in.

Let's see...

Oh! The last thing I blogged about was progressing in Tomb Raider: Underworld to Level 5: Southern Mexico. If you're interested, I'm now on Level 6: Jan Mayan Island/ Part 2: Valhalla. Not bad progress, but I'm kind of bored with the game again.

I also scored a discounted copy of the PS2 version of Alone In The Dark, which SEEMS like it would be a cool game, but... It has the playability of a brick! It's this terribly cumbersome thing that is basically a movie that forces you to press buttons every once in a while, and forces you to die A LOT, which requires you to re-watch that section of the movie again and press the arbitrary buttons all over again, and the whole thing is just about as boring as you can imagine it being. It's like the game is simply designed to teach non-gamers to how pushing buttons works.

Very boring.

I mean, Silent Hill isn't much different, if I'm honest, but the atmosphere is creepy enough to keep me pressing buttons for an hour or two longer than Alone In The Dark. There is at least a great deal of wandering and exploration you can do in the Silent Hill games I've played.


So gaming hasn't been a huge part of my past week. Rather, I have been doing a lot of reading. I finished Niel Gaiman's Smoke and Mirrors short story collection, and last night I just finished The Graveyard Book, which is AWESOME! :D

I'm also about to finish up Brad Steiger's Shadow World, and am debating on which to begin next: Steiger's Beyond Shadow World or Barry FitzGerald's and Dustin Pari's The Complete Approach: The Scientific and Metaphysical Guide to the Paranormal. I'm stoked about reading more Steiger, but The Complete Approach just arrived in the mail today, and it's pretty short! So I can gobble that up in a couple of days, then dive back into Steiger's work.

I may do that.

I'm at work now, but I have this stupid movie feed, and I have to babysit the damn thing. Normally, I would be doing my normal work right now. But because of this movie, and the way I'm supposed to catch it, I can't do my regular shift work. :( I have to let it pile up until the movie is complete, then I'll spend the rest of my shift racing to catch up. I may even find myself staying a little late. :(


Nah. Just bellyaching.

HOWEVER...!!! I heard from my Gnomey Goddess today!!! :D That's always a joy! xoxoxo If I do find myself staying late to finish up my work, I'll keep thoughts of her in mind, and the work will go faster! :)

(She's a hotty, if I haven't mentioned it before.)

Did you celebrate Talk Like A Pirate Day this past Saturday? Brian and I kinda/sorta did. We basically wished each other Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day in pirate-speak... And that's pretty much it, lol.

The highlight of my Saturday was meeting up with the Texas Spirits folks and catching up on things. I missed that one investigation that (I believe) I blogged about, and then the next weekend our investigation got rained-out (NOT complaining about rain, mind you!), and then the client canceled this past weekend, too. But several of them got together after a Reveal (that's the tongue-in-cheek name for the post0investigation consultation with the client, so named because that's what that segment of the Ghost Hunters show is called) and invited me to join them.

So that was groovy! I hadn't realized how much I was missing just hanging with these folks. GOOD people, they are! :D

And there's the possibility of finally doing this oft-belayed investigation this coming weekend. That will be cool, too, if it happens! :)

Okay, I should probably sign off for now. I need to go babysit the stupid movie until I can do some of my actual work. (Well... actually, the movie is my "actual work", too, but I'm just disgruntled because a shift that could have flowed with smoothe efficiency is now going to be a herky-jerky wild race to cram too much stuff into too little time. I'm bitching again; I'll stop.)

Hope your Hump Day is pleasing!


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