Sunday, February 01, 2009

Superbowl Sunday 2009

My Sunday ("Friday night" for me, as I have the next 3 days off) is starting off quite nicely! :)

It started off with some LOST with Brian -- he's rewatching Season 3. He mentioned that at work this morning, someone asked him who was playing and he got "a feeling" that Pitsberg will win.

On my way to work I stop by the store, thinking about what I might buy to take to work to eat, and I get a call from my friend Delma telling me that there's plenty of food at work for me, and bring a drink if I want something to drink.

Free food... BRILLIANT!

I get into work and find a sweet spread with Fajita fixings and rosted things and barbequed things and tortillas everywhere...!

It was truly a beautiful sight for any Texas man! :)

Also, I get in and find that the Steelers are ahead! So Brian's "feeling" may prove correct! :)

I'm not a Sports Guy... Just never gotten into it... (Which makes me quite odd here in Tejas, natch, since we -- as a state -- are as fanatical about American Football as the rest of the planet is about their Football.) But the party spirit present her right now and the possibility of seeing my li'l bro's quasi-premonition come true makes this kind of a fun Superbowl. :)


I just heard a collective yell of triumph and looked up at the score, and the Cards are now leading the Steelers...

This could be interesting, hee-hee. ;P

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