Monday, February 16, 2009


Okay, I am a card-carrying Whedon-phile. (Back at the turn of this century there was an official Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan club and I was a registered member. I have a card. I have changed wallets 2 times since I became a member and my card has been transferred to the new wallet both times. My membership number was 000402600000168. I shit you not.) I admit this freely and without being under duress of any kind.

I just saw Joss' new project, the pilot episode for Dollhouse, called "Ghost", and it is frickin' brilliant!!!

Better still, IT'S ON HULU!!! :D

Now, if you're not familiar with Joss' work, you may wonder what I'm going on about...

Joss Whedon is the creator of the TV shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly as well as the writer/director of the amazing movie Serenity.

He is constantly referred to as a writing god, but he's more than that... He's a STORY-TELLING GOD! He knows not only how to write amazing characters in amazing situations, but he also knows how to translate those characters/situations onto the screen ("big" or "small"... or comic book) in a way that excites, entices and THRILLS us! :D

This morning I watched the pilot for Dollhouse starring -- and produced by -- Eliza Dushku, and I am THRILLED to know that the ride has begun again!!! :D

Here's the thing...

If you're not familiar with the awesome power of the Whedon, you could (conceivably) watch the pilot, "Ghost", for Dollhouse and wonder "What's all the fuss about?" In which case I would ask if you had watched the series Firefly on DVD, including the 2-hour pilot.

See... I felt the pilot (called, interestingly enough, "Serenity") for Firefly was rather a long-ish, drawn-out way of introducing the characters and situations... But only compared to the following episodes (and feature-length film) themselves. The show Firefly is AN AMAZINGLY MOVING AND THRILLING journey through a possible Future Life of humanity!

So now, when I watch a Whedon pilot episode, I can see not only what is before me -- in the case of Dollhouse, this is an enthralling story with characters and actors whom I LONG TO continue watching -- but also the potential for what probably lies ahead! :D

I'll be honest... I ADORE J. J. Abrams... I loved Felicity, Alias, LOST (which so rules the world!!!) and Mission Impossible III. (And I, like all loyal Trekkies, can't wait for the latest installment of Star Trek!!! Abrams was probably the PERFECT man to helm this flick!!!) But I watched the first 3 or 4 episodes of Fringe and I haven't been drawn to watch another episode since. The actors are AMAZING and the writing is solid... but...

Look, let's be real... I wasn't into the pilot episode of Alias because it took me to a place I had no interest in being. And the next few episodes didn't make the same "mistake" (I put that word in quotation marks because the enjoyment of a story is so subjective as to, functionally, negate any judgement passed by any viewer) on the next handful of episodes. But it wasn't until about the half-way mark of Season 2 that Mr. Abrams blew me completely away and made me a die-hard Alias fan.

That considered, I have no doubt that when Fringe comes out on DVD I'll watch it and become addicted (that's a prediction, mind you; please feel free to check back in 8 months or so and see if my blog entries aren't all about the god-hood of J. J. Abrams) to the show.


Mr. Whedon's track record is much more clear.

Give him a pilot episode (preferably a 2-hour pilot story, granted) to warm you up and he'll have you eating out of his hand until the Network cancels the show or the cast's salaries become too high, lol!

So my prediction is that by Episode 4, Dollhouse will be the buzz, and everyone will -- once again -- be worshipping by the Whedon alters, lol. ;P

I had fun watching this show!!!

I was thrown into a very confusing world, compelled by the sheer beauty and acting prowess of Ms. Eliza Dusku, and by the end I was THRILLED by the story possibilities that lay ahead!

All in approximately 45 minutes!

So, if you haven't seen Dollhouse yet, please follow this link and check it out for yourself! :)

If you're really unsure, wait 2 weeks so you can watch several episodes at a time. I seriously doubt you'll be disappointed! :)

One more thought...

To My Gnomey-Goddess, who has made my Valentines Day and the past 3 years an AMAZING JOURNEY: I LOVE YOU SWEETY, AND ALWAYS WILL!!! xoxoxo :D (My god, this woman is ASTOUNDING in so many ways! I kid you not!!!)

Now, go watch Dollhouse and have yourself a GREAT TIME! :)

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