Saturday, September 27, 2008

I Had A Blowout :(

It was crazy! I'm driving on an overpass on Highway 183 and I was nowhere near an off-ramp.

So I pulled over onto the shoulder, which happens to be just wide enough that you can change a tire on a medium-sized car.

It went smoothly. There was a point when I wanted to grab my camera and take some pics, because I realized I will probably never be on an overpass in the middle of crazy traffic, but my hands were too grubby. So sorry I can't show ya pics.

I've got some exciting things going on with my screenplay writing, but I shouldn't really talk about anything until I'm a little further along. Still no money on the horizon... yet. ;) But some groovy, groovy worlds and characters swirling around in my noggin!

Ooh! I heard from my gorgeous Gnomey!!! :D

No particular annecdote related to that, but it always make me giggle like a giddly little school girl when I hear from her sweet self, lol.

I should get back to work, but PEACE & LOVE TO ALL!!!

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