Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I just finished outlining my screenplay!!! :D

What that means is that the next step is JUST WRITING IT!!!

The writing-pages part doesn't take NEARLY as long as the figuring-out-what-happens-and-making-sure-it's-something-good part!

I got an email that Screenwriting Frenzy starts April 1st. Last year the rules stipulated that the project had to be begun and completed within the alloted 30 days. (I think.) So I need to check to see if a movie that's already outlined is admissible. I hope so, cause I think that would be a cool, participating again this year! (I believe last year was the first year of the contest, so it would be REALLY cool to keep going with it!)

I'll let you know after I look into that...

I also need to hear back from my friend (the one who keeps me to my weekly deadlines). Technically, as per our agreement -- which has been INVALUABLE for keeping me productive and not letting me slack until I loose the creative enthusiasm for a project -- I would be taking some time off until April 1st if I sign up for Screenwriting Frenzy.

So if my friend (my Producer, really; in fact, I think I'll start referring to her as that from now on) doesn't go for it, I won't be joining anyway. Which would be fine from a Big Picture standpoint: This script is about getting my career started, not about competitions that don't actually have cash- or production-prizes. Screenwriting Frenzy is more about providing writers with an excuse to do some work and make it more exciting -- which is indescribably valuable! (Often, screenwriting feels like thankless work when you're not getting any recognition -- like a paycheck -- from it.)

However, if my Producer feels like the script is best served just by getting it done now, striking while the iron is hot, so to speak, then that's cool, too! Who knows, if we went that way, I might possibly be done BEFORE April 30th! One never knows...


The reason I completed my scene breakdown this morning -- rather than procrastinating until tomorrow and finishing it then, since Tuesdays are my weekly deadline -- is that TISHA'S IN TOWN!!! She's spending Spring Break in Austin, and tomorrow is my day with her! If Brian's not too worn-out from work, he'll be joining us, too!

And if all that weren't sweet enough, I HEARD FROM MY GORGEOUS GNOMEY GODDESS TODAY!!! :D She didn't have long to chat, she just wanted to tell me she loves me! :D How lucky am I!!! xoxoxo

So two bad-ass days in a row for me!!! :D

Hope your day -- your whole WEEK -- is bad-ass, too!!! :D

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