Monday, February 11, 2008

Down The Rabbit Hole!


Wikipedia rules, but it's a little bit TOO convenient, lol. I'm starting a new screenplay and I'm still trying to find a "shape" for the story, so I'm researching thematic ideas.

In the course of the last 3 or so hours, I've gone from reading about the theories about simulated reality to reading about natural selection! I think my head might explode, lol.

And that's just the wikipedia articles! That's not even going into more reliable sources. (Which you have to do, because if you look up any wikipedia article on a topic you know well, you'll find inaccuracies and omissions that the article writer missed.)

The scary part is that reading about natural selection doesn't have anything to do with my research, lol. I was reading theories on simulated reality and that brought up questions (just "I'm curious about.." things, not story-based questions, lol) which brought up new questions, and on and on until I look at the clock and laugh out loud at my own meandering mental state.

I haven't found anything that helps my story, yet, either. (Though sometime in the future I may be able to write my own version of THE MATIRX with some of the reading I've done, lol.)

I may get to see my Gnomey Goddess this weekend!!! :D xoxoxo She emailed me a coupld of days ago and told me she may get some down time.

So between getting some lovin' from my lover and working on this bad-ass script, I'm just in heaven!

It's funny, too, because last night at work I was taking a smoke break, and Austin is sch a GORGEOUS city at night, and I was thinking about some TV shows and movies I need to watch as research for parts of my screenplay, and it occurred to me that I am living my dream!

Not completely, of course. My dream is waking up with Gnomey, sharing breakfast with her, then writing for 5 to 10 hours, then hanging with her some more, and maybe going out with her and friends to see a movie or for some Starbucks or something, then going to sleep cuddled up with her.

BUT... One of the reasons I chose writing (and filmmaking in general) as my profession is that I love the thought of watching movies and reading books and learning things ALL THE TIME! :) hen I figure out how to make writing/filmmaking my FULL-TIME job, I will be SO spoiled, lol. ;)


I should probably get back to work. Just wanted to take a break from the idea-overload, lol.

Oh, and btw...


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