Thursday, May 18, 2006

Checking In...

I'm working on a new novel.

I had this idea for a while for a novel based on my SecondLife experiences. I was going to sort of borrow the structure of BIG TROUBLE (the movie, I haven't read dave Barry's novel yet) and make it this sort of no-holds-barred comedy aventure thing.

But recent events have made me more contemplative about what SL is, and so the current novel will probably be more like FORREST GUMP (the novel, not the movie).

Thanks to my eMusic subscrition, I now own the first 4 of Lewis Black's 5 cds!

That's really cool! Although his humor is as smart and as biting as George carlin, he's somehow less scary. One night I made an uber-playlist of Carlin's carreer in albums, and by the 4th album I was kinda hatin' on the world. But Black allows me to laugh at our (mankind's/societies) foibles without wanting to slap people around for being idiots.

No idea what that's about, but there it is.

Looking foreward to seeing THE DA VINCI CODE Saturday with my friends Lisa and Regina! That should be groovy :)

Oh, and we -- Tommy, Brian and I -- are working on lists of things we need to make the movie in the next couple of months (actors, locations, props, etc.). So things are moving forward still with the flick!

VERY cool :)

Tons of SL stuff, none of which I can blog about. Which is a little frustrating, because some of it is fairly profound. But all of it involves other folk's lives and stuff, and therefor is not my story to tell. I could simply talk about the impacts of these events on my perspective, but none of it would make sense without the context. (Like when I first started blogging about SL, before I started putting pics up. Ya know?)



Not much to tell ya about. But it just feels like I've been away from here for a while.

PEACE, LOVE & HAPPINESS to anyone reading these words!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Da Vinci Code Rocked! Thanks for going with me and Regina. We still have to see Over The Hedge and X-Men 3 sometime too.
Talk soon,