Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Do you know where your towel is?

32 years ago, Douglas Noel Adams gave us a most eccentric look at life among the stars! And today, WE CELEBRATE!!! :D

I have to admit that this Towel Day sort of snuck up on me. I didn't bother to take the day off or anything.

By lone (admittedly weak) means of celebrating has been to go to sleep listening to BBC's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Quandary Phase this morning, then listening to Douglas read Life, the Universe and Everything upon waking and on my way to work.

Soon, I need to really do the day up right. Like maybe next year. I'll take the day-of and the day-after off work, then figure out some cool thing to do with my bro to celebrate. It'll be a bit hard to figure something out, though -- I've reread every book Adams wrote, re-watched and re-listened to every version of Hitchhiker's Guide and Dirk Gently that are available numerable times. I'll have to think of some new activity that can be combined with a viewing of the movie or a listening of the radio series, maybe. Like, watching the move on my laptop while attempting to hitchhike across Austin? Or listening to the radio show in a cave?

Or something. I've got a year to figure it out.

Anyway, whether you celebrated Towel Day or not, I hope your day has been AWESOME!

And if not, make tomorrow SUPER-COOL!!! :D

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