Friday, August 03, 2007

God Bless SecondLife!!!

Okay, there are some big reasons I would be hailing SL...

Namely: It's how I met THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, hehe!!!

It also got me 3 1/2 minutes of local-news airtime. That's cool.

But there are little reasons I dig it, too.

I had me a blighter of a day today!


Before I went to work last night, Brian built a pool on some of our new land -- this GORGEOUS pool -- then he pulled out his fishing rod and began fishing in it.

Which is hysterical enough, because the pole is designed to pull things out of the water! Different types of virtual fish, old tires, empty beer cans... Just asorted funny things.

And him doing this reminded me that I had spent quite a few $Ls buying a fishing rod for myself. So I pulled my pole out and enjoyed a bit of fishing with my brother before I went to work!

Not a bad way to start off any day.

So after my annoyingly incessant day, the only way I could think of to unwind this morning ("tonight" for me, as I haven't gone to bed just yet) was to do some fishing in SL.

Being a Texan, my precise thought was to drink a six-pack and fish, hehe.

And OMG this has been so amazingly relaxing!

I mean, they're virtual fish, so it's not like I'm ripping actual, living creatures out of their natural habitat for my own recreation.

Plus, whoever designed this fishing rod has QUITE the sense of humor! So far I have caught 5 types of fish -- including a frighteningly huge gold fish and a "big eyed fish" which I suspect only (usually) lives in very specific types of water -- as well as an old tire, a garbage can, a Coke can, a chest filled with gold dubloons, an anchor and an old boot, lol!

In addition to, or instead of, some of these items, Brian has caught a "rockin' bass" (it plays music) and an empty beer can.

But what made this almost poetic for me was the fact that I got to end my day virtually fishing with my actual brother as the virtual sun set!


If I could just track down where these fishing rod are sold so I can get my baby one and fish with her... THAT would be PERFECTION!!!

Okay, Brian's gone to work now, and the 6-pack (they were "tall boys") are starting to make me drowsy... Time to fall asleep while Douglas Adams reads to me from his book THE LONG, DARK TEA-TIME OF THE SOUL, hehe.

Life can be groovy.



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