Monday, October 19, 2009

AWESOME Birthday!!! :D

This has been a great weekend!!!

My weekend started with money in the bank -- a rare occasion for me, lol. I worked a couple extra days a couple weekends ago, which took care of ALL my bills (to date) and scored me a night of fine dining -- Pappa John's pizza for Brian & myself -- and scored me a couple of books!

First, I'm doing my shopping after work Friday morning, and I see that the new Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy book is out! When I first heard about And Another Thing... I wasn't certain whether or not I would be reading it, since it's not by Douglas Adams. But I picked it up in the store and read the introduction, and I laughed out loud twice!

So I'm 192 pages into it (just finished Chapter 9 (of 12)).

Eoin Colfer is quite clever and whimsical!

The other book I picked up was Jason & Grant's second book about their adventures in The Atlantic Paranormal Society, which Brian is currently reading. (He, too, has been cramming his head full of paranormal research, but he paused all his reading to dive into Seeking Spirits, as I probably would have done, were I not working on H2G2, Book 6 of 3).

We also watched some Castle (Season 1) and the first disc of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. And listened to some Spooky Southcoast and a few episodes of Paranormal Podcast.


I got past the place I was hung-up on in Level 6 of Tomb Raider: Underworld -- the second swinging roof-hammer in Valhalla -- and am now on Level 8!!! :D

I'm a bit stuck again, at the moment, though. I jump down the thing, kill the giant monster-guy, grab the gold brick, jump over to the little island thingy, climb the other thing, swing over to get the other gold brick, but then when I swing back to the one platform thingy I always overshoot and land in the toxic pool.

But that's okay!

I'm on the first part of the LAST LEVEL and I am not too terribly far from defeating Underworld!!! :D

Then, hopefully, the game will let me go back and re-play my favorite levels, like the previous games did.

Oh, and also, a lot of people posted some really sweet things to me on Facebook, which is cool!

Oh, and did I mention I'm really diggin' KISS's new album, Sonic Boom?!! They've got a couple of anthem-type songs that stand up to my all-time favorite KISS songs from any era! :D

So life is pretty groovy for Ray Jay!!! :D

OH! And check it out...

Last night/this morning, as I was winding down for bed, I did a tarot spread for the main character of one of the stories I'm working on, and it was FREAKY how informative it was!!! On the one hand, the reading provided me in-depth information about the character that was truly enlightening (which is what I expected), but on the other hand, the reading ACTUALLY CONFORMED to the fictitious fate I had already worked-out for my character! (Which I did not expect!) I'm talking about some specific aspects of the character's "life"! It was uncanny! I don't think even Carl Jung could explain what the hell's going on there, lol!

But it was very, very cool!

Okay, I really need to get back to work.

So PEACE!!! :D

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