Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Just An Update...

Enjoying my weekend! :)

Over the last couple of days I've...

1. Watched Shaft (1971) and Shaft's Big Score (1972),

2. Read another chapter of Picture Yourself Developing Your Psychic Abilities by Tiffany Johnson,

3. Received Rosemary Ellen Guiley's Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits and Troy Taylor's The Ghost Hunters' Guidebook in the mail,

4. Conducted an experiment with Brian's new Ghost Box, and finally

5. Watched Push and Wolverine and the X-Men: Origins.

Oh yeah, and we ate Domino's Pizza a couple of days there, too! :D

I call this a very productive weekend so far, and I've still got another whole day!

I hope you're being as "productive" as I am! ;)


Me said...

What did you think of Push?

RayJay said...

I enjoyed PUSH a lot. It's kind of like a live-action Anime movie, I thought. :) But there are aspects of the paranormal, truths about the "unexplained", that I thought could be better explored in a different kind of movie. You know? Some people do "see" or "feel" things that they couldn't possibly know (scientifically speaking), and they don't experience it in a "Hollywood" sort of way. I think in 10 years we will see a PUSH-like movie that's less cartoon-y. ;)