Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cann't Wait For May!!!

Have you seen the trailer for Angels & Demons yet? Looks AWESOME!!!

Inspired, I finally read the book and loved it! :D

I think if Ron Howard and everyone involved in adapting this flick do as good a job as they did with the fist flick, this movie should RULE!!! :D

What else...?

I finally got PSIence!!! I have been trying to track this thing down for a month or so now! At first, I tried hitting all the local book stores when I had money, because I wanted to get it into my sweaty little hands immediately. But they were always sold out about it. "We can order it for you, though." But I wanted it now.

But then I finally broke down and looked the book up on to discover it's out of stock THERE, too!


There are some individual sellers that still have copies of it! Even some new copies!

And my copy arrived yesterday!!! :D I see why this copy was still in stock, too: It's a bit mangled.

Which is fine by me. I'm not trying to impress anyone with my pristine copy of Marie D. Jones' PSIence, and I certainly don't intend to resell my copy. I just want the knowledge that the book contains.

The full title of the book is PSIence: How New Discoveries in Quantum Physics and New Science May Explain the Existence of Paranormal Phenomena. Since the '90s, when I started hearing/reading about some of the stuff Quantum Physics was discovering, I have been proposing that Quantum Physics was going to turn out to be the link between physics and metaphysics. And this book seems to be backing my theory up! :)

We'll see. So far I've only had the time to read the Preface and the Introduction, lol.

For all I know, this book won't tell me anything I haven't already heard/read. But still, I'm inspired that someone took the time to put all these things together in a single volume!

You can hear a great interview with Marie D. Jones on the Paranormal Podcast! The interview is here. This is the first time I heard about the book, and I was curious then, but once I got into TSPI it seemed like I really should read it. I want to know all the most believeable theories about how and why paranormal stuff happens. First, so I answer questions when people have them, and secondly so I might more effectively track these pehnomena down and (hopefully) document it!

But now I have 4 books that I'm reading simultaneously! (I took a break for Angels & Demons and devoted my attention fully to that.)

Also, if you're on Facebook and someone invites you to Pirates: Rule the Caribbean or Mafia Wars, DON'T JOIN!!! OMG, for the love of all that's holy, DO NOT JOIN!!! Those frickin' games are SO ADDICTIVE!!! I am ashamed of my lack of will power now that I've been exposed to these games.

I don't even like anything mafia or gang related! That's how addictive these games are! The pirates makes sense: I love just about all things pirate-y. But I don't even watch mafia-related movies, so the fact that I'm addicted to this game is just not right, lol.

OOH! Also, I've been watching some MST3K on my iPod!!! :D I found the 2 Godzilla flicks they riffed on, and also the 2 Gamera flicks! I love these old monster movies -- despite their obvious flaws (or maybe because of them) -- but they are undeniably more fun when you're listening to smart people make jokes about them! :)

Oh! And have you been watching Dollhouse?!! DUDE!!!

Joss Whedon RULES!!! :D

You know who else rules?

MY GNOMEY-GODDESS!!! xoxoxo :D Reading every email she sends me is like opening up a package filled love and warmth and goodnessand joy!!! :D What a woman! :D


Pardon me... I got lost in daydreams for a moment...

Okay, time to sign off for now.

Hope your day is filled with laughter and friends!!!

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