Sunday, April 23, 2006

Opening Night @ The Shark Pit

I gotta tell ya about this!!!

I had the COOLEST day!!!

I woke up, did some stuff I needed to, then I went to see SILENT HILL (Opening Weekend) with some friends!

That was cool enough -- I haven't been to the movies in a while -- but then afterward, I raced home to get in-world for the Official Opening of THE SHARK PIT, Tam's club -- which I helped with :) )

I danced and had a blast for several hours! Friends were there -- both RL & SL :)

Then, after things broke up and people went to bed, Brian and I went to an in-world theater showing THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW all weekend long!!!

That's what I'm doing now! Wtaching Rocky Horror with Brian!

Audience participation is a bit wierd in-world... The movie starts when you press "Play" on your "Movie Control", so the movie starts at different times for everyone. And even if you press "Play" at the same time, the speed at which your computer processes information alters the total duration of how the movie plays out.


Whatching ROCKY HORROR in-world is just AN AMAZING experience!!!

Rocky Horror has always been a shared experience. And sharing it with both friends and strangers in-world is FANTASTIC!!!

just wanted to share.

I'm goign back to the movie now :)

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