Thursday, December 11, 2008


Just checking in.

Had a fairly fruitful weekend.

I actually got out of the apartment this weekend. Very unusual for me, lol. I saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall, which was hysterical, with a friend. I'm a HUGE Kristen Bell fan from her work on Veronica Mars, and it's really funny to see the roll she plays in this flick!

This coming weekend I'm meant to visit the Trail of Lights with some friends, then FINALLY see Twilight! So that should be fun.

I'm still trying to talk Brian into going on our first ghost hunt, too... We sort of came close, but he chose not to at the (more or less) last moment. Since we don't know anyone with an allegedly haunted location, we have to go to public places. But we'd have to do so in the middle of the night, and he didn't like the thought of us, you know, getting mugged or something, lol. As it turns out, minutes after he talked me out of going it actually STARTED SNOWING! It wasn't cold enough to stick -- the snow melted the moment it hit the ground -- but it stayed on the roofs of the cars outside for most of the rest of the night. So Brian was proven right on that call.

Still... I've got a digital audio recorder and I'm itching to try my hand at capturing EVPs. I've read and heard that you're not supposed to go ghost hunting alone... but... Not sure how much longer I can remain paient...

I also advanced 2 1/2 levels on Tomber Raider Anniversary!!! :D I'm not on the last level in Egypt, Level 11: Sancturary of the Scion! So I'm excited about that!

Also, Brian & I watched most of the Cinematic Titanic flicks! We had already seen The Oozing Skull and Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. So we watched The Doomsday Machine and Legacy of Blood, which were hysterical! Brian crashed-out during The Wasp Woman and I made it a little past the half-way point. So we've still got that one to revisit in the future. Plus, you know, with Christmas in the air, I'll probably need to watch Santa Clause Conquers the Martians a few more time. :)

Oh! Also, our DVD player died and we were looking for some entertainment, so Brian busted out my old VHS copied of Star Trek: The Next Generation! That was really cool because watching Next Gen always takes me back to my teenage years and making short films with my Theatre buddies, and it just sort of rekindles that sense of FUN in story telling. So that inspired me to get some writing done. (919 words... not as much as I would like, but I'm still working on my outline; when that's done I'll be able to pound out much larger wordcounts much more quickly.)

But rewatching the first couple of seasons of Next Gen got me in the mood to reread Star Trek Memories and Star Trek Movie Memories by William Shatner. Don't know why, but it just did, lol. That's useful, too, because listening to Shatner recount the writing and shooting of both the Classic Trek series and the flicks makes me want to write, also!

Of course, the time I spent listening to those audiobooks could have been spent writing on mine... but... Inspiration is a good thing, right?! ;P

Speaking of writing, I don't have much time left in my shift before I'm going to get busy again, so I should probably see if I can do a bit of creating before work intervenes. (Darn that work... Always getting in the way when I'm here... you know, here at work, lol.)


Hope you all have a GUCKING' FROOVY DAY!!! :D

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