Friday, November 07, 2008

How Was Your Halloween?

Mine was fine.

I worked, but I also found time to watch this year's Homestar Runner toon!!! :D In fact, there were a couple that were fun to watch, one of which was a funny costume commercial! (It's funnier if you're old, like me, and remember what store-bought Halloween costumes were like in the '70s.)

I don't remember if I had yet when I last checked in, but I finally got around to listening to several episodes of Jason Hawes' and Grant Wilson's Beyond Reality Radio!!! It's absolutely as awesome as Ghost Hunters is, but for different reasons! :) In fact, I listened to the last 10 or 12 episodes they broadcast a couple of times each, then had to go back and snag the last 10 available at Planet because I was still jonesin', lol.

Then I get this text message from my daughter, like, Monday asking me how I was coming with the Twilight saga, and I had to inform her that I hadn't picked up the next book yet because of my script.


On Thursday nights/Friday mornings I'm just workin', workin', workin' and I have no time to even think about any project I'm writing... So... I figured I could pass the time by listening!!! :D

So I started Eclipse (Book 3 of 4 (so far)) last night! I'm only on Chapter 6, but I'm diggin' it so far.

I really enjoy being back in that world again. It's a bit like reading the Harry Potter series in that you grow to know and love the characters so much that you're anxious to see what they're up to now, and the previous book always left you wondering how the world would be changed when you rejoined it.

I really hope the movie adaptation for Twilight does well, because I'd like to see the whole series (what I've read of it so far, anyway) on film! I'm diggin' on the actors they've cast to play these characters, and the source material is just golden!

I do sooooooo which I could see Twilight with my Gnomey-Goddess when it comes out, though! It's totally gay, I know, but the relationship between Bella and Edward just keeps on reminding me of Gnomey!!! The way the author describes what it feels like to both appreciate and long for another human being like that... If you've ever been TRULY in love, you can so relate!

Okay, I'm gonna unwind from my workday and listen to some more of Eclipse, so PEACE, Y'ALL!!!


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