Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More Marathons...


In case you're curious, my daughter text-ed me about a series called the Twilight Saga by author Stephenie Meyer. She called it a Forbidden Romance series with vampires and werewolves.

Sounds cool!

So I spent much of this morning/today listening to the first 14 chapters of the audiobook version of the first novel: Twilight. I'm diggin' it! :) (Btw: The links I provide contain SPOILERS, so if you click on them, be careful not to ruin anything for yourself.)

And Brian's off tomorrow, so when I woke up we jumped into a marathon of a show My Genius Friend Dave recommended, Torchwood -- a spin-off series from Dr. Who -- and then we wrapped up Season 1 of House.


If you want to watch Torchwood for yourself, follow the above link and find the "Videos" button. That's the only online way I know to watch it right now.

If you want a House fix, I don't know of a way to view it online for free, but you can watch the 4 most recent episodes at Hulu.com.

Also, before I started on Twilight last night/this morning I watched Episode 3 of Fringe -- J. J. Abram's latest masterpiece! :)

Finally. I, very irresponsibly, haven't written a single word on my script, lol. But watching shows like Fringe, House and Torchwood do have the benefit of making me think about writing, as they're all written so brilliantly! (That may sound like a cop-out, but it actually is true.)

After hours and hours of being entertained, however, I needed a break. I needed some Quiet Time to let my mind settle a bit.

No idea what I'm gonna do after I post this.

It's late/early enough that I could go to bed, but I'm not really sleepy. I've got some 3-5 episodes of Season 2 of Monk to finish watching. I'm also excited to finish Twilight -- and the other 4 Stephenie Meyer books, for that matter -- as well.

Then, also, my Hulu queue is backed-up and I should probably watch some of those shows, too.

I truly have an embarassment of riches in the Entertinment department. Too bad I don't have, like, another 2 weeks off to enjoy them all, lol.

Still... If I have to have a problem, this isn't a bad problem to have! ;P

Here's hoping YOUR life gives you more fun than you know what to do with!!!


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