Sunday, May 11, 2008


Brian & I just got back from watching it on the Big Screen!

We watched it online last week (we were broke, sadly) but we HAD TO see it in the cinema, so we did tonight!

BETTER on the Big Screen!!! Like, 100 times better!

PLUS... that cool bit after the end credits... It's not online. :(


I'm up to Disc 4 of ALIAS Season 2. ALIAS ALSO RULES!!!

I know I've said it before, but I can't stress that enough. J. J. Abrams? GENIUS!!!

Other than that, I've just been writing. My co-written project is at a pausing point right now. My trilogy of movies/novels is coming along slowly. (I'm missing some component element that's keeping it from flowing right.) And my spooky audio idea is at a halt pending further research (which I can't afford at the moment).

But I'm certainly keeping busy!

It's kind of funny... After Script Frenzy I thought I'd just blow through these next projects, but writing is never that simple, it seems. Every project (and I've heard and read this before, but I guess I'm understanding the statement more fully now) always has its own hiccups.

Which is fine. :)

I still contend I'll sell my first screenplay and my first novel in 2009. The path just seems a bit more daunting than it did last month, hehe. ;P

Also, Mom's in town for a couple of weeks! That's groovy! So Brian & I got to spend Mother's Day with her and Gan-Gan. :) (And our new "sister" Daisy, a 3-week-old Rat Terrier, lol.)

DUDE!!! Also...

As cool as it was to watch IRON MAN with my li'l bro, it's so much cooler watching it with an audience! That's something I keep forgetting in this digital age: Movies are meant to be seen with audiences! I mean, you watch your favorite movies over and over again on dvd, and revisit the audio commentary or the behind-the-scenes features or featurettes, and it's easy to forget that film is meant to be a communal experience! They are designed to be viewed by a small community, not by 1 or 2 people sitting at home.

I usually don't have the time or fundage to leave my apartment and see a flick on the Big Screen, so I've grown used to the very intimacy of viewing a movie all by myself. But when you're watching something great, it's so much better in a half-full to full house!

I need to keep that in mind.

Okay, so, this being the first of my 3-day weekend, I think I'm going to go play and not worry about getting any writing done tonight.


(Btw, that was "go play" and not "go have a play" to a certain someone who likes to tease me when she gets the chance to, hehe.) ;)

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