Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Script Frenzy Week 3 -- 115 PAGES!!!

FADE the fuck OUT!!! :D

I wrote from around 6:00 pm until around 12:30 am AND I AM FINISHED!!! :D


And I can't afford any alcohol to celebrate with. :(

But that's just as well... I didn't finish until after midnight anyway. (If you're reading this in some part of the world other than Texas, we have a curfew on when we can purchase alcoholic beverages, and the cut-off is midnight. Except Saturdays, then it's 1:00 am.)

So I not only made my page count, I also made my scene count...



How bad-ass is THAT?!!

And now I'm DONE! FREE! I can work on ANYTHING I WANT TO!!!

But not tonight.

I've done a lot of writing tonight. I'm gonna watch Oprah & Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth class -- Chapter 8, which aired live last night -- then listen to some more Spooky Southcoast.

Then maybe some Monty Python.

I loaded my iPod up with HOURS of their albums! I've got, in order of release, Another Monty Python Record (1971), Monty Python's Previous Record (1972), Monty Python Matching Tie and Handkerchief (1973), Monty Python Live at the Theatre Royale, Drury Lane (1974), Monty Python's Contractual Obligation (1980) and Monty Python's The Final Rip Off (1988).

Plus, I've got a few soundtracks and Monty Python Sings, but those aren't loaded onto my iPod. (I'm more a fan of teh sketches, rather than the songs.)


What are you looking at me like that for?

I'm not compulsive or anything! I'm just...

...obsessive, lol.

I've listened to all the Eddie Izzard and Fawlty Towers I can usefully listen to for a year or so, so I've gone back to the well, back to the inspiration for such silliness. :)

So when I sign off from here, I plan to nestle into my bed, set my iPod in its cradle, and give my eyes and fingers a complete rest for hours and hours and hours! :D


As promised...



The Frenzy Beard Update! :D

I don't know, it's kind of okay, right? I mean, it's scraggly, yeah. But it kind of looks like a real beard.

(Btw, that's my face before I started writing today. I had no idea whether I was going to continue writing, or how much I would accomplish. My face now is big and smiley and filled with pride and almost unbearable self-satisfaction, hehe.)

Here's the close-up...


It's still pretty patchy.

Like I've said, my hair is super-fine and thin. So I don't think I'm ever going to have a Harrison-Ford-in-The-Fugitive kind of beard.

Still, maybe it would do if I ever got famous and went through a fat-Jim-Morrison stage, lol. (I know, you're saying "Who are you to be joking about anyone's weigh, tubby?" lol)

And let's compare it to when I started Script Frenzy...


That's some decent growth.

But now that I've won the frenzy and finished my script, I think I'm gonna shave this shit off, lol!

It's kind of itchy.

Okay, enough writing for today!


And LOVE to My Gnomey Goddess!!!


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