Saturday, November 24, 2007

RAIDERS of the LOST ARK on iPod...

As I type this, I'm watching RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK on my iPod!!! :D

And if you scan Itunes' movies, you will not find it for sale, lol.

I want to share with you how I got it, but please suffice it to say that freeware REWLZ!!! ;D

I want to tell you what I'm workin' with, but I don't know how copyright laws and stuff works, and who monitors what sites, so I will play it safe by not sharing my good fortune with you...


...suffice it to say that I did not search for long to find the answer to my questions.

Also, as for the ethics of making a copy of the movie for myself...

I bought the movie on VHS 3 times, and on DVD once, so I don't believe I'm violating any moral codes in using freeware to put it on my iPod, lol.

Umm... What else...

I watched RATATOUILLE on iPod. Have I mentioned that yet? (I've posted a couple of times, but one or both of them may not have actually posted...)

Also, I found an above-average Indiana Jones pocast HERE. It's a 4th Indy Jones "movie" in 9 parts. decent acting, GREAT sound effects and great music. The writing is sort of fan-fic natures, and the acting is -- depending upon the actor -- anywhere from acceptable to actually good.

I'm all Indiana-Jones-obsessed becase (a) Indy reminds me of Thanksgiving for some reason and (b) the 4th movie's initial production wrapped October 12, 2007.

Okay, I need to get to bed now. My bebe has said she should be able to hang with me this weekend, so I want to get some sleep and be up before she goes to bed.


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