Thursday, June 28, 2007


I just do, hehe. :) I woke up early yesterday (Wednesday) and I got to have a really nice chat with her, and just wanted to announce that she's THE BEST-EST! ;)

Tonight/this morning I finished the first draft of a short story version of the short Tommy & Brian & I plan to shoot this year. I need to let it "cool down" for 24-48 hours before I read it and rewrite it, then I'll be putting it on my MySpace blog.

I decided I need to get my work in front of an audience, see how people -- not just friends, but annonymous strangers who feel no guilt about just mauling my work mercilessly -- respond to my work. I have a few short scripts that I believe are decent, so I hope to adapt them all (eventually) and put them up there. And I hope to write some short stories that are original to that format.

I could pursue publication, harass any and all magazines that buy short stories and try to make $20 or $50 bucks a piece. But I really don't have the time or energy to do that. My goal is films. Then after that, self-published novels. (Again, not spending my time/energy trying to convince publishers to do me the honor of tossing me a couple of coins for my hard work and life's blood, but publishing over the Net and selling on Amazon, just to see if I make any money at it.)

But I can't COUNT ON anyone reading one of my novels or seeing one of my movies for a long time. So it could be years before I get any sort of public reaction to my writing. I could, conceivably, become a professional screenwriter LONG BEFORE an audience ever sees my work.

And I want a more honest idea of how I'm doing. I know I've got the craft, and I know I have some talent. But I need to hear idiots tell me I suck, and hopefully some of them will tell me why, and I'll learn something about what I'm doing that my friends wouldn't think to tell me.

Ooh! Time to go home!

Okay, see ya! :D

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