Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Day of Rest :)

This Tuesday has sort of been and very much-needed "Sunday" for me.

Last night, as I told you in the previous entry, I spent some time prepping the script for pre-production. There're still more to do, but I accomplished a lot, and today I was gonna hear Brian and Tommy talk about what changes they felt the script needed story-wise.

So before I go to sleep I watch the last episode of Series 2 of SPACED with Brian (completing his viewing of the show; he had missed the last few minutes of the last episode) and then we watch the retrospective feature "Skip To The End" in which Simon, Jessica and Edgar, as well as all the other stars and co-stars and guest stars, reminisce about the show, and the Main Three revisit many of the locations used for the series.

Very nice!

And after that I manage to get to bed at a decent hour, lol!

Then today I wake up and get to chat with my baby for a bit before joining Brian and Tommy to talk about the movie.

It was very productive, but better still, they really didn't have any big changes for me!!! They genuinely like the script! All they were talking about were subtle things!

So YAY!!!

But I had set aside today to think about rewriting. I didn't plan any other projects for myself. So when Tommy left, I had a lot of free time on my hands.

While Brian and I ate (dinner for him, breakfast for me, hehe) we watched episodes 2 and 3 of THE DRESDEN FILES, and that was fun. (We don't have the pilot. But it's a cool show. My first episode was one of the last of the season and I slipped into it with ease, so you really don't have to follow it in order to be able to enjoy it.) Then Brian felt sleepy.

And, oddly, so did I.

So I retreated to my room and watched a couple more episodes of BUFFY: Season 5 and drifted off to sleep. I woke up about 2 hours ago, watched another episode, then logged into my IM to see if my baby popped up before work. She hasn't been, but I'd feel like a bum if I found out she logged in the one morning I didn't, lol. PLUS (and this is the corny bit) I'm far enough into season 5 that Buffy is undergoing some of her major romance trauma, and Xander is actually doing well in the romance department, and I just found myself really, REALLY appreciating the amazing woman that Gnomey is, hehe. And thinking about just how lucky I am, hehe. So I wanted to be able to tell her that if she logged in. :)

And if you're reading now, Baby: Thank you for you!!! x o x o x o Thank you SO VERY MUCH for you!!! And for us!!!

But it's hard to describe just how nice today has been: I get my Gnomey fix, work on the movie with M'Boys, watch a couple of episodes of a good TV show (one of which I hadn't seen before) with my brother, then watch a couple more episodes of another good TV show (both of which I hadn't seen since they first aired a few years ago), drift off to sleep when I shouldn't be, wake up, watch another episode, make some fries & a Turkey sandwhich, and now I'm gonna go watch a few more episodes until I fall asleep and have to begin my work week.

There are times that I get so wound-up and wrapped-up in how much cool stuff I have in my life that I completely forget to take it slow and easy. I forget that sometimes a totally lazy day can be as much fun as the chaos of a 14-hour shooting day or a weekend coffee-house/bar/cinema hopping, or even wild-ass moneky-sex.

It is a much-used cliche that "the best things in life are free", and it also happens to be true. But it's nice to be reminded that one of those nice, free things is just a day filled with... nothing.


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