Sunday, September 05, 2010

There is Something WRONG with Nathan Fillion!

I know, I know "You like him so much, why don't you just marry him?" right?

But Nathan Fillion fascinates me!

It's been WAY too long since my last dose of Catsle, and Hulu has been bombarding me with clips and teases for Season 3 (so close, yet so far away!), so I popped in Season 1 on DVD and watched the first 6 episodes, then I went back and listened to the audio commentary on episodes 1 and 5, and on Episode 5, at the end, Jon Huertas claims to be playing the guitar for that kickass theme music they have, and actress Molly Quinn picks up the joke and claims that she whistled on the track.

If you listen to enough DVD commentaries, you hear this type of thing: The artists doing the commentary jokingly claim to have performed other tasks, and it always gets a laugh out of me!

But just the split-second after Molly says "I whistled," Fillion declares "Through her nose."


If you've seen the show, you know that Molly C. Quinn (Castle's daughter) is a gorgeous young woman. And the way she plays Alexis Castle makes you either want to call your daughter and just tell her you miss her, or if you don't have a daughter you just want to go out and have one immediately! She's just smart and fun and funny, extremely lovable!

So Jon makes his joke, which catches you off guard and makes you chuckle; then Molly makes her joke, which is funnier because she's lying about having performed a lesser musical task; but then Nathan comes in and thrusts the mental image of this beautiful young redhead whistling through her nose into your mind!

Again, WHY?!

My brother is the same way: You make a joke, and then he immediately tops your joke with an entire run on the subject that create the most ghastly mental images, until you can't breath because you're laughing so hard!

There's this perverse part of me that wants to be envious and resentful of the man who is Captain Malcolm Reynolds, Caleb, Bill Pardy, Dr. Pomatter, Alex Tully, Captain Hammer, Steve Trevor, and now Richard Castle...enough, already! Shouldn't there be a ceiling on how many iconic characters an actor gets to play in a career?!

But it's that "Ferris Bueller" thing I mentioned in an earlier blog entry: How can you begrudge the seemingly unending fun of a guy who's life's mission seems to be to make sure you're having as much fun as he is?!

I think maybe Nathan Fillion figured out, as a young child, that this world is filled with unimaginable amounts of fun, but that most of us will never have the balls to go out there and enjoy most of it. So he made it his mission to have enough fun for the rest of the world (the entire planet!) and be sure to take every opportunity to share all that fun with us!

He's like the opposite of a sin-eater: Instead of taking away out sins by taking them into himself, Fillion takes as much pure joy into himself as possible, then spreads it out to as many of us as he can reach! He's a fun-spewer! That's what his is!

Nathion Fillion, Fun-Spewer! New, from HASBRO!

OMG, when is Castle gonna start up again?!! :P

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