Wednesday, November 11, 2009

9 on the "Narcissistic Personality Inventory"

Have you heard about this test?

Dr. Drew was on Conan O'Brien tonight, and he mentioned this test, and I immediately had to see if there was a copy of it online that I could take! I found it reprinted here...

The test says that the average score is 15.3, that celebrities generally average 17.8, and that Dr. drew himself scored a 16.

And I scored a 9.

Not sure what to make of that.

I mean, obviously, I don't want to score too high, because that means I'm really narcissistic.


Surely scoring low means I have self-esteem issues or something, right?

But I don't think I have a poor self image. I mean, I quite fond of me. In fact, I'm a huge fan of me! (I wouldn't go so far as to suggest there should be more of me wandering around the planet, because then I would be slightly less special. I suspect a single me is probably the perfect amount of me in the world.)

But a 9?

The test further says it's important to consider which traits are dominant in my personality. Some traits, like authority and self-sufficiency, are more useful than others, like vanity and entitlement.

So I broke down my stats, and they are as follows:

Authority: 4 (out of 8)
Self-sufficiency: 0 (out of 6)
Superiority: 3 (out of 5)
Exhibitionism: 1 (out of 7)
Exploitativeness: 1 (out of 5)
Vanity: 0 (out of 3)
Entitlement: 0 (out of 6)

So I seem to be right down the middle as far as my sense of authority (which makes sense if you've ever asked me "So what do you want to do tongiht?").

I, apparently, have no self-sufficiency. I don't know if that's fair...

I seem to feel fairly superior. Make of that what you will. I have been accused of being a pompous ass before, so perhaps this result confirms that assertion. ;)

1 out of 7 in Exhibitionism... Well, if you saw me without a shirt, I believe you would be grateful for my lack of exhibitionism.

I seem to be 1/5th exploitative. This seems like a fairly healthy number, right?

I appears to have NO vanity. :D I'm not sure how accurate this test is, but I'm fine with this result! ;P

And I appear to have no sense of entitlement. That's probably good, right? I mean, I've known some folks who seem to have a 5/6 or 6/6 Entitlement, and I'm happy to think I'm not like them.

But still... a 9? Aren't we naturally supposed to be a little more narcissistic than that? I mean, most folks score somewhere around a 15.


You think, maybe, it raises my score a little that the first thing I did after taking this test is blog about it?

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